Monday, November 25, 2019


Oh, that reminds me, the lavatories. Everybody's got more money that they used to have. We've been sitting here ages. What kind of plugs? This is an imperative but we use the subject YOU when we want to be emphatic. Ah, that's different — I mean in space, and that.

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I've asked for money, I've begged for money, I've cried for money. I left the spoon in the cup. Ointmentor something like that? Is that the lot?

Four Candles (The Two Ronnies) –[Multimedia-English videos]

These Two Ronnies scripts are some of the funniest ever performed on TV e-mail At Barker's memorial service in Westminster Abbeythe cross was accompanied up the aisle by four candles instead of the usual two.

Will ronines man who lost eight bottles of whisky at Euston station this morning please go to the Lost Property office by Platform Nine where the man who found them has just been handed in. Calls through door Jones! And there was an accident involving Britain's worst goalkeeper, Bill Berkeley, who has already let through goals this season. At this point the shopkeeper first suspects it may be a joke. Your chosen subject was answering questions before they were asked.

I nearly went blind drinking her cocoa. He gets a foir fork handle from the back of the shop. What is the name of the directory that lists members of the peerage? Come and serve this customer — I've had enough! It says here they've invented a telescope what can see 93million miles.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For a police message. What is the difference between a donkey and an ass?


A shopkeeper in a hardware shop becomes increasingly frustrated by a customer because he continuously misunderstands what he is requesting. Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett pictured in Four Candles The Two Ronnies dialectal. RB enters — a workman. I say, Blenkinsop, hurry up with my roast pork.

The Four Candles Alehouse. Hand pumps or foot pumps?

Goes to a drawer with a towel draped over it. The old ironmonger's shop sold everything, garden equipment, ladies' tights, builders' supplies, mousetraps: The customer then reveals he wants "brown pumps size nine".

Two Ronnies 'four candles' script sells for £28,000

The box of ronnjes gate letters is noticeably difficult to get to and put back, requiring a ladder. We've been sitting here ages. At this point the shopkeeper, having had enough, snatches the shopping list the customer has been holding to complete the order without any confusions.

And to a masochist who likes nothing better than a cold bath in the morning — so he has a warm bath in the evening. If they're so clever, why do they twi backwards?


Christopher Halliwell A Confession killer Christopher Halliwell quizzed about another unsolved murder. Oh, do you think so? Donald Trump goes fonnies a weekend Twitter rampage - only pausing for 8 hours overnight - as he rails against

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