Tuesday, November 26, 2019


This feature is not fully implemented yet, so is disabled for now Q: These are necessary tools to edit data files in the game directory. There does not seem to be an uninstall option in vista control panel to remove this program. This is a problem with windows permisions on the game directory, preveting the plugin manager from access the game. If you want just one sector to be cleared choose a different mode, see the README file that comes along in the downloaded. The mod is now activated. Select the catalog with the highest number since the Bala Gi update that would be cycrows script installer

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X3 - Plugin Manager - By Cycrow

Everything installed IS working as it should, but its like the plugin manager has forgotten what it has installed. Installed X3TC Patch 1. Don't worry, it's safe, and has been used and recommended by many Egosoft forum users for several cycrpws already. You can also doubleclick the speed entry and enter a higher minimum speed.

Run Doubleshadows X3 Editor and open the Tships.

Beware that the specified directory is "types" and that "check compression filter" is selected. Give your catalog a name for instance superships. This is a problem with EMP, make insfaller the standalone version is removed and let the plugin manager use its own version Q: Remove the file will cause it to re-scan for the directories and you might have to manually re add some Q: Close ModManager you don't have to save.

First make sure that in the drop down menu, it shows the correct AP directory, if its correct, then the plugin manager has detected the game wrong.

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To fix you need to either adjust windows permissions to the game directory or move the game somewhere else. I have installed various ships, but they are not showing up in game A: Yes, there are several. Sdript a shortcut on the desktop for the Plugin Manager Once installed, you need to run the program once to do its initial setup.

[X3AP] Cycrow's Cheat Package

It's easier if you create a special folder for these extracted files, for instance in the Egosoft or X3 Reunion directory I named my folder "Modified game files". When i try to run the program, i get an error about side by side error and it wont load A: I didnt un-install anything, I just went straight to the menu install of Plugin manager I figured after the re-install it would only write over what has already been installed and then update its list of installed packages.

Open the Command Console of your ship again.

Just start the game. Number and type of shields can be changed under the Weapons tab.

X3 - Modding tips

Features Not Currently Included These are the list of features that are not included in this version, but will be available in the future Changable Language Display. Find the entry for "cheat. If you are having problems, please refer to the FAQ in the next post first Installing To Install, download scrupt run the program then follow the install wizard, choosing the install directory, start menu directory, etc.

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A dialog will appear where you can specify where to extract the sccript to. You can now edit the script, this means, specify what the script does exactly the practical details, like the number of items to be spawned, location, etc.

First you will have to press Return a few times until you are asked to input the number. Works, installed packages now updated and all working as expected Edit: Bunny made a script to get rid of all the small asteroids rocks in the whole universe at once.

Just click OK again. You can also do simlar inside the Creator, have the package loaded and use the Export button to create a zip file.


It allows you to change race notoriety, reset the hull and shields of your ship, create sfript out of the blue, or even stations, add ware to ships or stations like energy cellsetcetera.

Now select "Reinit caches" and activate it ONCE to refresh the list of scripts and add the new cheats. Select it and run it by pressing "r".

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But that's not all. Especially when it's done in an excellent way.

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