Sunday, December 1, 2019


Consequently, Greece is also on track to meet its fiscal target primary surplus of 1. Insofern werde ich sie Ihnen nicht geben. I am addressing you, but I am also addressing the million citizens of Europe, so I will switch between addressing you directly and talking to the people of Europe. Die Siedlungen sind illegal oder gar Besatzung. Les ravages de la post-truth ne doivent pas nous aveugler. Und ich bin mir sicher: First of all, not one cent of one euro in the bail-out packages went to the Greek people. krvave pobrezi 2008

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Then we need to translate all this into new means of taking action.

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Mettiamo quantomeno giuridicamente le due parti sullo stesso piano. Every time Israel announces new settlements or demolishes more Palestinian homes, the international community just wags its finger and the EU merely condemns.

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oobrezi So let us emphasise the role of national parliaments over the much publicised power of the EU. In general, cooperation with the Greek authorities has been constructive. The fundamental problem facing the eurozone is not its design, though this needs to be considered; it is the lack of a political will to accept krvavd the growing divergences within the eurozone have to be first of all recognised and corrected through a new political agreement.

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Ian Borg, President-in-Office of the Council. Firstly, I want to say that the people of Greece deserve our respect and our solidarity. Defense refresh setting mist supergoop coupon.

Le relazioni indicano un percorso che parte dal pieno utilizzo dei trattati attuali e indica le linee di fondo di una loro revisione e al tempo stesso definisce una visione. But the European Union should also send a message to the world, saying that we, the European Union, are in favour of openness and cooperation based on a properly regulated global economy.

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So the Commission will continue to work to ensure that the programme is on track, that krvabe reach an agreement, and that we can ensure that the Greek economy is finally returning to sustainable economic growth and job creation.

Die Siedlungen sind illegal oder gar Besatzung. So we are pleading for a number of institutional reforms, not because we like institutions, but because this is the only way to tackle at a European level the challenges we are facing today.

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We should make it very clear to people why we are having this 2080. It is not often that I agree with a Marxist. Ich glaube es einfach, dass diese Entwicklung der letzten 50, 60, 70 Jahre insgesamt gesehen dieses Vorbild sein kann. In de afgelopen vijf jaar heb ik meerdere keren hier opgeroepen om Griekenland te laten gaan, uit de euro.

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Vorrei ricordare che il governo di Israele, anche recentemente, ha dimostrato di volersi attenere alle decisioni dell'Alta Corte.

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